Jan 13, 1990, p 9A -
Hand (Lundberg)
John E (Rick), 43, White Bear Lake. Survived by his wife, Rosa; parents, John & Rose, of San Jose, CA; 1 brother, Donald & wife, Laura, of Albequerque, NM; parental grandmother , Sarah C Hand of, Rockford, IL; maternal grandmother, Genevieve Gauthier, of San Jose, CA. Visitation from 4-8 pm, Sunday, at the LAKE MORTUARY, 4738 Bald Eagle Ave, White Bear Lake, where funeral services will be 10:30 am, Monday. Interment Lakeview Cemetery. Memorials preferred to the Mpls Kidney Foundation or American Diabetes Assoc.
James Wilcox Dimmers
This is a long back memory but Rick was such a fine gentleman I feel need to say some words about my dear friend of so many years. 1964-1966 Rick, Fred Baillie and I traveled portions of the USA collecting rocks and minerals for our private collections. Fred would get an idea to go to somewhere for their local rocks and off we'd go! Once to the Black Hills looking for Unranium Ore, Hot Rock they called it. That was Ford's 1st year of the Mustang, Fred's mother bought Jim, his brother a dandy white convertible and that was our charriot. OMG! if Jim knew the places we drove his flawless new car, through streams, up mountain sides and across high paririe with Buffalo close on our tail. We had my brother Bobby's blonde Airline guitar with and I decided that would scare them off---so standing on the seat I was waving that beautiful guitar at them singing something like Home On the Range or Happy Trails to You to which the Buffaalo either liked the guitar or my voice, I bet it was the car, because they came in hotter pursuit! Fred floored that baby leaving them in a cloud of dust and hitting dips in the prairie that sent us flying high in our seats in cartoon fashion (and NO, we were NOT high on anything but life and that splendidly fresh air and being three buddies in search of hot rocks)!
I liked evening after setting up camp because either Rick or Fred played the guitar into night. Both fabulous guitarists we'd sing to the stars (and maybe a Buffalo or twio that caught up). Rick could do things with that guitar that made my hair stand on end (I had some tthen) combined with his soft gentle voice it was a private concert equal to Hank Williams in every note.
When Rick played and sang he BECAME the music, he spread across those places and graced every stone with his God-given gift for music. I can sit back and hear him now. Rick's kind of music never drifts away, it remains as a gift in a friends heart.
Fred would play for me the theme to Moulin Rouge and Black Orpheus and never can I hear either of those two tunes without being transported back to a campfire with my two friends and find the peace we don't always find so easily anymore in this century. Oh there are places, you just need to look harder. Ha! as if getting locked in Wind Cave Canyon was easy!
So for those of you who never heard Rick play guitar and sing, fear not for as you pass through the gates of Heaven one day he'll be there with that gentle smile and bright bright eyes of his playing and singing and free of the severe diabetes that took him away piece by piece. Rick Lundberg's music never did and never will cease!
David Clarke
Jim, that was beautiful! I got to hang around with Rick and Lyle and a guy named Tommy something who had a gorgeous wife who was blind. Pat, my wife and I followed them wherever they played for awhile. Rick wrote such haunting soul- deep ballads that all you could do was close your eyes and let his songs take you with him to the places he could only describe through his words and music.
Interesting that The Song From Moulin Rouge was a favorite of yours. I love so many kinds of music so much that over the years I've asked myself what my favorite song was or is. That song, sung by Felicia Sanders, is at or very near the top.
it certainly is your gift, Jim, to paint pictures through whatever medium you choose. Thank you for bringing back such wonderful memories.
Carl Bourdon
The battle of the bands at the Arcade street YMCA. He, George Hatch, (Fred Baillie?) and his group. I never learned their bands name but the Centurys were closing in on them. It was great fun.
Susan Johnson (Kaufmann)
My husband, Dan, was in the band and the name was "The Epics." Your right, great memories. The band also included George's brother John. I remember Rick as a quiet guy who played a great rhythm guitar.
Allen S Hodder
I would like to thank Jim Dimmers and Dave Clarke for their help in pointing me in the right direction.
We have one more deceased classmate without any information regarding their passing: Frances H Moore. All I know is that in the 10 year reunion pamplet, she was listed as deceased.
Does anyone have any information about her that I could use? A date when she died? Did she have any brothers or sisters?
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